
Preparing Your Children for School: Encouraging Discussion about Feelings

If you are like most parents, right now you are asking yourself, "Where did the summer go?" Summer has zipped by us, as parents scramble to buy the school supply list and prepare their children for a new school season...

It is very important to take some alone one on one time with each child and discuss with them any feelings they may be having about the new school year. Even if your child is attending the same school, they may be experiencing some anxiety about returning to school and this can help teach your child about how to express their feelings.

Children of any age, can experience difficulty expressing how they feel. One exercise that is good for elementary aged children is to have them do the following (it's a great art activity also!):

Build a Feeling Box:
  1. Take a shoe box and let them decorate it with construction paper, cut outs from magazine pictures they enjoy
  2. Explain to them this is their private box, that no one else will have access and the goal is to write down short sentences of how they feel
  3. They can cut up pieces of paper and put in the box with a pencil/pen
  4. Encourage them daily or anytime they experience any type of feeling to write it on a piece of paper, fold it up and put it in their feeling box
  5. There is no right or wrong with this activity, this only helps a child learn how to express their feelings
An example entry note: I feel mad, my brother took a game from my room
                                      I feel sad, my Grandmother is sick in the hospital

There is no set method that works for every child, but it is important to make sure you open the channels for your child to vent if they are feeling anxiety or nervous about the new school year. As parents, teaching them effective methods of communicating their emotions, will aid them in years to come.
    We encourage others to share their methods of how they teach communication to their children. Please share with others!
    The Ask a Nurse Now Nurses


Summer Health Tip: Sunscreen Basic Facts

Sunscreen is important!
Sunscreen Basic Facts: a summertime health tip from www.AskaNurseNow.info

I have to admit, I am a RN and have not been the best about being serious on protecting my skin in the summertime.... After all, we live in a culture where sunkissed skin is attractive and a sign of health.

It took me facing a serious health condition to take this to heart. Now, after being diagnosed with a severe type of Lupus, I have experienced firsthand how the sun can greatly hurt my body physically. Even if you do not have Lupus or a health problem that can get worse with sun exposure; it's important to protect yourself. You can send me a thank you card when your older and your skin has retained it's youthful appearance versus wrinkles and sun-spots of those who do not.

After viewing the store's shelf that contained a hundred different types of sunscreens; I had to arm myself with some basic info about what products are the best. The following quick tips will save you time, $$ and skin damage:

  • Look for products that contains a SPF factor or 15 or higher AND block both UVA and UVB rays
  • Sunscreen usage can begin in children aged 6 months and higher. Good products for younger children/infants are: Aveeno Baby, Neutrogena SPF 30 for sensitive skin, Solbar Zinc, Waterbabies for infants
  • The safest ingredients are: Zinc Oxide and/or Titanium Dioxide
  • Other effective UVA and UVB sunscreen ingredients include: Avobenzone (Parsol 1789) and Mexoryl
  • Make sure it's waterproof or sweat proof. Sunscreens resist perspiration and swimming: however, re-apply after skin gets wet or every 1.5 hours
  • The best sunscreen is the one that you use regularly!
  • You may have to try several different brands to find the one that works best for your body and it's chemistry make-up
I know that sunscreen can be a real pain and since most people do not suffer immediate damage, it's not taken that seriously. I now have no choice, but hope you make a conscious one to protect your body- You Deserve It!

Share this blog entry with others you care about. Remember you will always be your biggest advocate and arming yourself with health info that is credible is power! No one will watch out for you more then yourself!

www.AskaNurseNow.info website and blog is owned and written by experienced Registered Nurses who care