
Art - Show Your Artistic Side


Ask a Nurse Now is accepting donations for art supplies to donate to art classes throughout the United States. If you have any old or extra art supplies lying around that you do not need or need to de-clutter your home with. Contact us today, we will provide any charges related to shipping the items.
We want any type of supplies: paint, brushes, paper, crayons, glue, jewelry making, tools, yarn, crochet, fabric, thread, sewing items, wood, etc. Any items is acceptable and will be used for classes we are forming in different locations for children, young adults, eldery and those who suffer from health problems, mental problems and trauma. Our programs are geared for those who have experienced post-traumatic stress disorder of some form, but we also want to help others in learning coping methods thru artistic avenues.
Please share this with others and help us on this drive. If you want to participate in our Program "Healing Hearts thru the Arts" contact us for more information!
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Relax & Enjoy Life.....

With work, errands, the house, the bills, dinner, the kids, etc. etc. It is hard to set aside time to truly doing something you enjoy.... Your health & wellness is directly tied to taking a time out and relaxing. To relax, dedicate and make it a priority to spend at least 1-2 times a week doing something you enjoy.

Ask yourself, what is something you have always wanted to try, but keep putting if off until.... I can promise you that the until time will never come! I am speaking this firsthand, having lived most of my adult life under these terms. There is never enough time to do take up that painting class, skydiving lesson or attempt to try rock-climbing. Whatever it is that you have always wanted to do, you owe it to yourself to do it and do it now!

As a RN, I can't stress enough how many times I have seen individuals living their life with regret, wishing they had done this or that before they got sick or got diagnosed with a severe debilitating health issue. I have uploaded a picture that I took today. I have loved photography for ever and actually if I could choose another type of vocation to pursue - it has always be photography. Today, I had a million things to do... I pushed them all aside, spent the day riding with my husband on his motorcycle tagging along my Nikon taking pictures all day long.

Today was an enjoyable day, those million things I've got to do are still here... But I had a wonderful enjoyable day and that is what counts!
Share this post with someone you care about - tell them to start pursuing the moments in life that they enjoy!

Here's wishing you health and happiness - Angi from Ask a Nurse Now
Ask a Nurse Now is a website created at www.AskaNurseNow.info that offers reliable health and wellness info, products and resources for everything that can attribute to your wellness.

Introducing our new E-Books
- Are you an expert in an area that can impact ones health and wellness: finances, vocational-work, relationships,
education, religous or other areas? Share your expertise and build your experience and portfolio as a professional
writer! Ask a Nurse Now is offering new opportunities to publish your work and gain credit as a freelance writer!
Contact us today for additional information
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Behind the AskaNurseNow.info Business - Why We Are Doing What We Are Doing

Forgive my poor attempt at trying to reference this title like the VH1 Behind the Music Series... At the time it seemed like a good idea, but now that I am looking at it... it's not materializing like I'd hoped.

With hundreds of websites, blogs and other business currently on the web; all targeted to the health, wellness and medical niche'. I felt compelled to explain how we got here and where we are planning to go from here and this can help others see that our intentions are headed in a different direction then the others sites in this area.

I have been a RN for over 2 decades. My entire career has been involved in the public health area, insurance (healthplans - both State and Federal related, like Medicare and Medicaid for lower incomed individuals and Grant funded healthplans for those who are uninsured or are experiencing difficulty paying for health insurance premiums). More importantly, before I even became a RN, I experienced firsthand some issues related to the medical field and to this day have continued to have personal experiences that further reinforce our purpose here.

My professional and personal experiences have shown time and time again, that our current healthcare system here in the United States is critically flawed. There is major fragmentation in many areas of this system and there's no sense in pointing blame, because how we got here really doesn't matter. Our entire focus is how we are going to go from here...

Everyday, individuals are facing serious health crisis issues and are having to make decisions. Already in a state of anxiety due to the new issues they are dealing with, they make decisions and may not know all of their choices, the facts, the risks, the resources and alternative options. This is not the sole fault of the Doctors, Surgeons, Insurance or Hospitals and is a mixture of many sources.

This is so important so I am going to stress this next comment:
You will always be your own best advocate when it comes to your health and wellness
 The Medical Professionals do care, some more then others. But at the end of the day, no one will act on your behalf more then yourself or you for your children/family. Therefore, you must arm yourself with:

  • The right information for the medical issue you are dealing with
Do not base this serious decisions on a website you googled in a search engine. You must make sure the information you are reading is coming from someone who has the experience and background on what they are talking about. Several times a day, I come across a medical website that is instructing on how to treat diabetes and the information is 100% wrong or lacking vital info!

That leads us to Ask a Nurse Now. Our site and information is always 100% written by Registered Nurses or other medical professionals that we have researched and determined to have the credentials and background to give you the best up to date information. You can always trust our info has all the facts, gives you other options and much more.

Our site deals with the topics that really impact our health. If you have high blood pressure, but are very stressed because your job is not going well, your worried about paying your bills and your relationship with your spouse is not what you call "Happy and Loving", a website telling you how to lower your blood pressure really isn't going to help you much till you also get help and deal with the other issues going on as well. Our site offers info, resources and other E-books about dealing with job issues, relationship issues, figuring out how to deal with debt or financial support resources.

I had my first child at the age of 21, uninsured, married with both of us making just above the minimum wage level back in 1991. The OB doctor took me off work due to high blood pressure 4 wks before my delivery and I kept on working... I sacrificed both my unborn daughters life and my own, because no one at the OB doctors office or the hospital told me about the local resources and programs available that could have helped us pay for the medical bills, pay for the C-section and $19,880.00 hospital bill. The stress of all of this, caused us marital stress and huge financial struggles. After going thru all of this, I find out 2 yrs later, I would have qualified for health insurance, a local program that helped with formula/food and a program that helped us pay for our rent.

.... There will never be words to describe how victimized I felt learning this... Why did no one offer me this information? I was only 21 yrs old, no extended family to offer advice and we were trying to struggle and get all of this figured out on our own.

I know that right now, there are families out there going thru what I went thru and Ask a Nurse Now is here to stop that. We are small and just starting out with no money to fund what we really need to get this done, but we are going to make it and change the way our healthcare system leaves families and individuals out to try to figure out all of the answers.

To do this, it starts with each one of you. Spread the word and start acting on your behalf. Raise your voice if you have questions, ask for additional information, if something does not sound right, tell the Doctors, ask for more tests or someone else to check for a second opinion.

Remember, all the health professionals are working for you. You spend more time picking out a microwave then you will do choosing your medical doctor or surgeon. Get informed and Stand Up for Yourself - Support Ask a Nurse Now - join our Twitter, FaceBook, Blog and website.

Linking to Ask a Nurse - Twitter, FaceBook & all those other social media sites

Join Ask a Nurse Now on Twitter and FaceBook to receive up to date information about health and wellness. Ask a Nurse Now is going to be starting a monthly contest for our Blog readers, FaceBook Fans and Twitter Followers. Every month, we will post the contest along with the details. All contests will require the winner to be connected either to our Blog, Twitter or FaceBook account.

You will want to keep watch for this because Vendors have donated very cool and useful prizes, some valued over $200.00 - so share this with all of your friends.

To connect to us:
FaceBook - Ask a Nurse Now FaceBook

Twitter - Ask a Nurse Now Twitter